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Account for donations
remittee: ComDo-Berlin e.V.
bank: GLS Bank
IBAN: DE204306096701119856900
reference: ComDo-Salone

Who we are

The Children and Youth Project ComDo-Salone ('Sierra Leone Community Development Organization') was founded in 2009.


Convinced that this children and youth project the force has, an important contribution to the integration of street children to be done, we are calling on all people who want to participate also to donations. Each of you is invited to give a variety of ways somewhat, as are dependent children and young people of Sierra Leone not only on clothing and toys. Our project provides a variety of program points for their humanistic contribution. Sports, courses to expand the computer literacy and vocational training should be offered. Equally, an Internet café, a children and youth center and an exchange program be set up for young people. For this purpose, of course, soccer balls, badminton games, skipping rope, writing pads, pens, used computers, sports shoes, etc. needed. Your financial support can help to ship the containers to Africa. There is no donor imagination limit.